Trust us for expert guidance in tough times >>>>>>>
Why Us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
We Offer
As a result of providing private offices and coaching in a physical location
The typical package is only up to 3 months with no guarantee of the client landing a job
Limited number of coaches to assist outgoing employees
Encourages employees to accept a job quickly
Often promotes own database for job listings when better sites are available
The individual is expected to write the resume and cover letter independently upon coaching on how-to
Availability of group coaching, even though individual coaching is been paid for by the employer
All sessions and support are conducted online
All sessions and support are conducted online
The impacted employee can schedule a time convenient to them from the comfort of their home to speak with our coaches
We will work with the impacted employee until they find a job most suitable for them
We collaborate with all the major job boards available
Each impacted employee receives a professionally written and keyword-optimized resume, cover letter, and Linked content
Facilitates a more holistic experience for the impacted employee with privacy and confidentiality to discusspersonal problems they might face
As a result of providing private offices and coaching in a physical location
All sessions and support are conducted online
The typical package is only up to 3 months with no guarantee of the client landing a job
All sessions and support are conducted online
Limited number of coaches to assist outgoing employees
The impacted employee can schedule a time convenient to them from the comfort of their home to speak with our coaches
Encourages employees to accept a job quickly
We will work with the impacted employee until they find a job most suitable for them
Often promotes own database for job listings when better sites are available
We collaborate with all the major job boards available
The individual is expected to write the resume and cover letter independently upon coaching on how-to
Each impacted employee receives a professionally written and keyword-optimized resume, cover letter, and Linked content
Availability of group coaching, even though individual coaching is been paid for by the employer
Facilitates a more holistic experience for the impacted employee with privacy and confidentiality to discusspersonal problems they might face
Analyze 100+ job listings to identify communication gaps and missing data in a 30-45 minute session
Specialized writer crafting resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles to attract recruiters
US senior editor reviewing grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and formatting.
Review resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn for keywords, topics, competencies, expertise, and achievements.
First draft sent; follow-up call scheduled to discuss changes and improvements
Milestone of Resumes Built"
Over 99% of our clients get interviews within 2-3 weeks
Client Landing a Job Offer
Recruiters reaching out weekly
Pay Raise Increased Pay For Over 90% clients
Choose the package that aligns best with your requirements and budgetary constraints
Access specific outplacement resources and assistance on an as-needed basis
Combine a range of services into one comprehensive solution
Fast-tracked job search
Best Value
Upgraded personal brand
Maximize exposure in the job market
Take your career to the next level